Sunday, December 15, 2019
Psy/285 Final Week 9 Free Essays
PSY/285 Elizabeth Davis November 11, 2012 Bettye Griffin I am well rounded, independent, and unique. I believe that being well rounded means that you are not just one way or another. It means you have a little bit of every thing. We will write a custom essay sample on Psy/285 Final Week 9 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I think that independent means for a person to be out on their own in life. It means to be able to take care of them selves in life, along with other people. I am independent not interdependent. I do not rely on others for any thing. Meaning I do not get help with bills, money, school, child, car, or any other aspect in life. Interdependent means you get help from others or depend on other to do things for you. I think that self serving bias is some thing that every one has to some degree or another. I think that it is a bias opinion that enhances or widens your ego or self esteem. For me I am self bias towards my self in the fact that I am a very vain person. I believe I am very attractive meaning my self esteem is great about how I look when others are around. Locus of control theory is where people believe that they can control events that can affect them. External locus of control is a person that believes the whole world is out to get them, luck does exist, and that life is unfair. Internal locus of control is when a person has feelings of being responsible for the outcomes that happen in their lives. I know that confirmation bias is where a person has a tendency to favor information that goes along with their own beliefs. A person does this by gathering or when they remember information by picking out pieces of it. I think then that confirmation bias is some thing that we all do. I know for my self I have selective hearing. With this I pick out what I want to hear from a conversation, perceive it, and use it how I want to. My experiences that I have had with beliefs generating from their own confirmation have not always ended well. I know that nothing in life will happen exactly how you want it to. I do this all the time and plan out how others will react in a certain situation I am always wrong. I know that my behaviors influence my attitude a lot. I simply put my desires and actions first. My attitude or my intention only pushes my desires and actions further. Our text did suggest that there are several ways that genetics influence gender identity. My gender identity is influenced by my genetics because I was raised by my great grand parents. This means I am more apt to take on the old fashioned ways or believing in what a woman should act or be. I think that my gender identity has been shaped by the environment that I was raised in. I think that some evidence to support this would be that I do believe that me as a woman should do the cooking and cleaning. A woman should be married to one man in her life. A woman place in the world is behind her man. A woman must be able to do what a man does and work as hard as they can. I think that now in life that I am not at a great risk of conforming. I know that growing up at one point or another I was influenced to conform to a great many different aspects of life. I am stable in who I am and what I am today. I think as a person grows older in life it is harder to sway to conformity. I just donââ¬â¢t feel the need to impress or to be or act like some thing I am not. I have always had a hard time with both authority and also obedience. I think that in my opinion they go hand and hand with each other. I think that fear of authority or the stubbornness of just not wanting to both has a clear view of why the obedience will then not look. I think that the foot in the door technique has had a lot of influence on me doing things in my life. I think the biggest foot in the door was when I was younger and with my friends. When I would hang with them and they would start to do some thing illegal or dangerous. That means I would have a choice of walking away or since I am all ready there so why not concept. Oh, of course I have used the foot in the door technique on others. This is used in peer pressure situations when some one does not want to do some thing but convince them to using the foot in the door. I think that when I am in the presence of others I am very stand back and watch kind of person. I like to take in what is going on around me. I think that with or around others I know that I act with respect and honesty. When alcohol is involved that bearer that was there to just sit, watch, and be kind of shy is lost. When that is gone I am just full of confidence and the life of every one else around me. I know that no matter what group project that you get your self in to that there will always be some kind of social leafing. I volunteer at our church a lot, and at the veterans hall we work in groups and there is always one or two people who I have to pick up the slack from, because they refuse to help in any way. I donââ¬â¢t think that it will get any better in the future. I donââ¬â¢t think that it will because I can not change other people and how they see life. Only that person can make the conscious decision to change is them selves. I believe that Deindividuation is a concept that is mostly thought of as one loosing their self awareness in other groups. I think that deindividuation is where people sway into other groups other than what they would usually. It is acting different in a group than you would usually, that would be completely out of character for you. People that are in groups over time lose their own self awareness and self restraint because of the group they are in. At this point they would loose their own self as an individual and become more like the others. I think that people whom are in groups would do things that they would not on the account that the person would then be less responsible for their own actions. I think that I was influenced and have gotten in a lot of trouble in the past because of deindividuated presence of other people. I am not now though taken over in any group nor do I want to be my life is fine with out getting in trouble. I think that there are many different levels that a person can be attracted to another person. I think that at first it is the attraction of what a person looks like. I think that personal things you have in common helps. I also think that being around a person for long time will increase the chance of being attracted to one another. There is so many things that can make a person attractive to me. I do know that the preference at attractiveness is different between each person. I think that there are many things that you can do to help sustain relationships. Here are some of the things that I do to help sustain a relationship is trust, compassion, compromise, and respect. I think that all of these are needed to have a healthy relationship. I think that trust is big to be able to feel at ease. Compassion is needed for your self the most to put it into the relation ship, and also to be healthy for you to have compassion towards other things in life. I would say that compromise is like picking your battles. This would come along with talking to your partner. I would also say that to have respect is both for your self as well as the other person. When I have to resolve a conflict there is just a few things that I do to help with this. I first pick a time to talk about it. I make sure not to go into talking about it when I am angry or mad. I would also take into consideration to bring in an out side party to monitor the conflict, if we can not come to a compromise or agreement about the conflict. I am glad that this class has opened my eyes to so many different views and ideas of what I need to take a look at in life. I think that it is good to know what the things are that centers around who I am and also why I am that way. I think that I have been able to change some of my views and ways from what I have learned in this class. Although, I do know that even though this class has made me aware of some of my actions and beliefs, that I am just not ready to take control of and change. It has also made me aware of why others act in the way they do. I will not be so judgmental of certain behaviors or actions in the future. I am more aware of the world around me, including my self and other people who I choose to surround my life around. I loved what this class has taught me and will keep it with me in my mind and thoughts for ever. I wish that other people would take vane and learn why things are what they are. To find reason for behaviors this makes it so that maybe some time knowing why will become action to change to some thing better. How to cite Psy/285 Final Week 9, Essay examples
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